Employee of the Quarter Award

Employee of the Quarter Nomination Form

Thank you for taking part in the Employee of the quarter nomination process. The selection committee will select an award recipient based on the following criteria:

  • You will have one employee nomination per region
  • You may nominate in one, two or all three regions
  • Please let us know why you feel your nomination should be honored for providing “World Class Customer Service”
  • Please let us know how that action encouraged you to improve your own Customer service level

For each nominee’s eligibility and selection criteria, written comments are helpful in determining the winner in the event that two or more individuals receive the same total nominations.

employee of the quarter

If you prefer, you can download the Employee of the Quarter Nomination Form and email to hr@mid-citiesmedical.com.

Employee of the Quarter Award Guidelines

The Employee of the Quarter (EOQ) Award recognizes the accomplishments of an outstanding employee employed by Mid-Cities Medical from the three preceding months. Three individuals will receive the award each quarter – one from each Region – and the honor will be awarded the beginning of March, June, September, and December.

Nominations will be solicited from all Mid-Cities Medical employees, and are due by the 15th day of the month preceding the award month (i.e., February, May, August, and November) or the next working day if the 15th falls on a weekend or company holiday.

Previous Employee(s) of the Quarter Winners